Pros and cons of a turnkey IoT solution

Does IoT need to be custom software? The short answer is “No.”

Like many other technologies, IoT has several “turnkey” solutions available. Companies offer cloud-based IoT platforms that provide standard capabilities out-of-the-box. But like any solution, you should consider the pros and cons and understand if it is the right option for you.

What is provided?

Turnkey IoT “kits” provide a lot of the standard capabilities required for an IoT solution. This includes networking, as well as cloud infrastructure, data reporting, and security. They also provide an API for crafting mobile and web applications. In short, the platform delivers the low-level capabilities that make IoT devices work. After that, it is up to the purchaser to extend that functionality for their particular connected product.

What are the Pros?

That is easy: time and money. Because much of the heavy lifting is already done, a company can get an IoT product to market quicker and cheaper than building their own custom solution. Many small manufacturers may not have the resources needed to build and support their own custom product, and their product may be simple enough that an off-the-shelf IoT platform may fit their short and long-term needs.

Another reason to use a turnkey IoT solution is if a company wants a low-cost approach to testing out a concept. Let’s say they have an idea for an IoT solution, but they want to prove it out on a small scale. Using a cheap turnkey solution to gather data and feedback on the ultimate long-term custom solution can be a savvy approach towards building the ideal product at scale.

What are the Cons?

Turnkey IoT platforms may not be the right solution for your customers long term. Like any off-the-shelf product, it will not be one-size-fits-all. The future roadmap of features that are specific to your business and your customers may not be possible. This could result in a scenario where customers are demanding more, and you are not in a position to deliver. They may have to wait months while you build out the custom solution replacement they really want.

Also, you will want to make sure the system is reliable. Performance degradation may be an issue that is out of your control. Make sure your IoT platform has a reputation for reliability.

In Summary

A turnkey IoT solution can be a great option for some companies. If you are a small manufacturer or a start-up that needs to save on capital and be quick to market, an IoT platform can provide a lot of benefits. Plus, you don’t necessarily have to do it all yourself. Outside Source, for example, has assisted multiple customers with their implementations.

However, be wary of the scalability of some of these platforms. True, a custom solution will come at a higher cost and take longer to build, but it might be the right solution for your customers in the long run. A custom IoT platform will give you the ability to deliver the features your customers want, and (if designed correctly) will allow you to grow your architecture along with product adoption. Performance and the feature roadmap will be completely within your control.


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